Franco’s Choice: The Reevaluation of Spain’s Neutrality and Non-Belligerence During the Second World War




Spain, Second World War, Neutrality, Non-Belligerence, Blue Division


General Francisco Franco established his dictatorship in Spain in 1939 after winning the Civil War fought against the democratic Republican government. The same year, the Second World War broke out. The Caudillo wanted his country to remain neutral, but Spain soon moved forward to the status of non-belligerence: Franco backed Mussolini and Hitler on the level of propaganda, and he also sent voluntary troops to help the Germans, although he also maintained relations with the Allies. Later, the country returned to the status of neutrality. The aim of my article is to highlight the main features of the Spanish attitude and the government’s diplomatic maneuvers between the Axis powers and the Allies, paying special attention to Franco’s possibilities and doubts.


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How to Cite

Lénárt, A. (2022). Franco’s Choice: The Reevaluation of Spain’s Neutrality and Non-Belligerence During the Second World War. Studia Historyczne, 63(1(249), 61–74.


