Ostatnie miesiące życia, proces i ścięcie Karola I Stuarta w opinii prasy angielskiej


  • Paulina Nortowska Uniwersytet Jagielloński




English Civil Wars, Charles I Stuart, English newsbooks, A perfect diurnall of the passages in Parliament, Mercurius Pragmaticus


The Last Months , Trial and Execution of Charles I in the Opinion of the English Press

The aim of this article is to compare different points of view on phenomenon of the trial, conviction and execution of the English (and Scottish) monarch, Charles I. The newsbooks A Perfect diurnall of the passages in Parliament (paper published by Parliament) and Mercurius Pragmaticus, Communicating intelligence from all parts, touching all affaires, designes, humours, and conditions, throughout the kingdome, especially from Westminster and the head‑quartes (newspaper of supporters of King Charles I of England) were analysed and compared. The comparison was made for the years 1647–1649 with a focus on the Second English Civil War. In the case of A Perfect diurnall, the articles published between 3.06.1647 and 7.02.1649 — from the extradition of King Charles I of England to Commissioners to the King’s funeral. The other newsbook, Mercurius Pragmaticus, was published from 14.09.1947 to 1.05.1649. The main focus of this analysis is to show the differences between the two publications in their presentation of the imprisonment, trial and execution of King Charles I.

Author Biography

Paulina Nortowska, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

absolwentka historii i doktorantka na Wydziale Historycznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Zajmuje się historią wczesnonowożytną, a prowadzone przez nią aktualnie badania poświęcone są obrazowi Europy Zachodniej w piśmiennictwie polskich podróżników. E‑mail: turquoise.paulina@gmail.com



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„Mercurius Pragmaticus, Communicating intelligence from all parts, touching all affaires, designes, humours, and conditions, throughout the kingdome, especially from Westminster and the headquartes” 1647‑1649.


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How to Cite

Nortowska, P. (2017). Ostatnie miesiące życia, proces i ścięcie Karola I Stuarta w opinii prasy angielskiej. Studia Historyczne, 60(3 (239), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.12797/SH.60.2017.03.02



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