The Institution of Ombudsman in Latin America as a Guarantee for Propagation of Culture of Peace and Respect for Cultural Diversity, as Exemplified by Selected Countries




Ombudsman, Latin America, protection of human rights, promotion of human rights, cultural diversity


The institution of the ombudsman is present in the majority of Latin American countries. In spite of differences in nomenclature or structure, it is characterized by several common features. It is a sui generis state authority, enjoying extensive autonomy and independence. Its main objective is to promote and protect human rights, and the assistance it provides is free and easily available. Introduction of the institution in Latin American countries was related to the democratisation processes that began at the end of the 1980s. This article presents a comparative analysis of ombudsmen in El Salvador (a country with a history of long-term internal conflict), Peru (a country that advocates multiculturalism), and Argentina (a country with a history of military dictatorship). Detailed discussion is preceded by general remarks regarding the genesis, typology and characteristics of the institution. Common initiatives and associations of Ibero-American ombudsmen will also be discussed. This analysis and its conclusions will argue that the institution is both a tool for implementing a culture of peace, and a guarantee for the respect of cultural diversity in Latin America.

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Author Biography

Joanna Składowska, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Ph.D. student at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and Latin America Studies at the Jagiellonian University. Graduate of post graduate studies in Author Law at the Jagiellonian University, and of the Spanish Law School at the University of Warsaw. Scholarship fellow of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Practicing attorney, member of the District Bar Association in Cracow.


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How to Cite

Składowska, J. “The Institution of Ombudsman in Latin America As a Guarantee for Propagation of Culture of Peace and Respect for Cultural Diversity, As Exemplified by Selected Countries”. Ad Americam, vol. 17, Dec. 2016, pp. 61-78, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.17.2016.17.05.



Focus on: Latin American Studies