Techno-Transatlantic Science and Technology in Relations Between the United States and Europe




transatlantic cooperation, the United States, Europe, technology transfer, innovation, military technology


The article focuses both on account technology as a factor in the twentieth-century relations of the United States and Europe and a view of transatlantic history through the lens of technology. It describes the trajectory of modernization through technology in certain characteristically transatlantic contexts – including the Cold War role, the advancement in military technologies and the international political competition. It demonstrates that technology development in many ways, provides structure for transatlantic cooperation and acting as a force reshaping political relations.

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Author Biography

Małgorzata Zachara, Jagiellonian University, Poland

An Associate Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her publications and expertise span the areas of diplomacy, global governance, problems connected with global institutional change. Her publications include: Mechanisms of Influence in the International Sphere. Use of CoG (Centre of Gravity) to the Analysis of the Decision-Making Process in the Global Affairs (Jagiellonian University Press, 2015), Global Governance. International Relations after the End of the American Century (Jagiellonian University Press, 2012). She also edited Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017) and co-edited Digital Diversities. Social Media and Intercultural Experience with Garry Robson (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014).




How to Cite

Zachara, M. “Techno-Transatlantic Science and Technology in Relations Between the United States and Europe”. Ad Americam, vol. 18, Jan. 2018, pp. 89-106, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.18.2017.18.07.




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