Między politologią i komunikologią
Razem czy osobno? Przypadek studiów porównawczych nad relacjami polityki i mediów w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej
political system, media system,, democratization, media freedom, models of media and politics relationshipAbstract
Between Political Science and Media Studies. Together or Separately? Case of Studies Dedicated to Political and Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe
Political science is older science than communication studies, but during the last decades we observe a high dynamic of communication research and publications. It is linked with a development of television in the second part of 20th c., and the new media as internet and next, the social media in 21th c. The technologies of communication play a fundamental role as an object of research at both disciplines because they revolutionize the political world. A group of scholars, who are interested in a research between politics and communication, widens systematically. This process stated in 50s of 20th c. During the last two decades studies in political communication have confirmed how political and communication sciences are close. I will show this symbiosis on an example of relations between media and politics in Eastern and Central Europe.
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