Rozmowa a kształcenie we współczesnym uniwersytecie
crisis of education, dialogue, lecture, philosophical hermeneutics, universityAbstract
Conversation and Teaching at the Contemporary University
This paper examines the contemporary condition of teaching at universities. It argues that university is endangered by losing its identity. The difference between school and university is introduced as a representative example of the problem. The main argument refers to the Gadamerian concept of conversation and it suggests that high quality education is dialogical in its tenor. Unfortunately, tertiary educational quite often differs in practice from what we understand in current European pedagogy as an educational experience. In the first part of this paper, the question on the pedagogical potential of conversation is raised. The second and third parts provide a description of university as a place where education as a dialogical experience still prevails, particularly in lecturing as a form of teaching.
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- 2021-12-16 (1)
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