European Heritage Label-based Education as an Essential Part of Memory Education – The Polish Case




Cultural Heritage Education, European Heritage Label, uni-memory education, national education, plural memory education


The purpose of this article is to show how the EHL is used for the interpretation, awareness, and transmission of heritage and memory. As part of the EU European Heritage Label (EHL) program, Polish institutions received six distinctions in the years 2014-2019, which places Poland high in the ranking of the awarded Brands in Europe. Polish institutions are obligated to spreading knowledge about the cultural heritage of Europe. On the one hand, EHL’s task is to raise awareness and transmit common values, elements of European history, and heritage, which can be interpreted as promoting “uni memory.” On the other hand, EHL aims to deepen intercultural dialogue and synergy, recognizing the values of diversity, which can be understood as promoting the idea of plural memory. The EHL organizers in Poland are obliged (by the provisions of the EU Program) to conduct a European narrative, but in practice, they sometimes remain at the stage of restoring and refreshing the memory of the site, organizing local memory, and revising the regional policy due to “dormant memory” during the communist period.


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Author Biographies

Kinga Anna Gajda, Jagiellonian University

Associate Professor, University Professor, adiunct at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University. Professor of cultural studies, doctor of literary studies. Her research interests include issues related to memory, heritage, with a Particular Focus on Eastern Europe in the Post-Communist Era, including Nuclear Memory, and intercultural competencies. She is the author of three books and numerous articles. She has been a visiting scholar at European universities (a.o. in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Albania). She completed an internship in, among others, the European Center for Educational Resilience at the University of Malta, Radboud University Nijmegen, Pedagogical University in Kropywnyckie in Ukraine, and Freie Universtät Berlin. She coordinated many research and educational projects. She is a member of the editorial team of four journals and a reviewer of many.

Bożena Gierat-Biedroń, Jagiellonian University, Poland

Associate Professor and lecturer at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Manager of Postgraduate studies ‘Cultural Diplomacy’. Professor Gierat-Bieroń was a visiting scholar at Trinity College (Dublin), Glasgow University (UK), Groningen University (The Netherlands), Leuven Kathotlieke University (Belgium), Cluj-Napoka University (Romania), Pesc University (Hungary), Sassari University (Italy), and Osaka and Kobe Universities (Japan). She also served as the co-ordinator of MA Euroculture Programme (European Consortium of 7 prestigious Universities: Groningen, Gottingen, March Bloch, Strasbourg, Uppsala, Bilbao, Olomouc and Udine). Her main academic interests are: the EU Cultural Policy, theory of Europeanisation, Protection of European Heritage and International Cultural Relations. Professor Gierat-Bieroń authored 7 books and more than 40 articles and expert opinions as well as scientific reviewer. She worked for National Centre of Culture in Warsaw, Poland, as well as the Colleqium Civitas in Warsaw, and participated in various international scientific conferences and projects. Since 2022, she has been the director of the Graduate Program in Cultural Diplomacy at the Jagiellonian University.


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How to Cite

Gajda, Kinga Anna, and Bożena Gierat-Biedroń. 2023. “European Heritage Label-Based Education As an Essential Part of Memory Education – The Polish Case”. Politeja 20 (6(87):289-306.



History and Culture