System wzajemnych relacji między centrum i regionami: lekcja rodzimej tradycji politycznej


  • Walerij Kowalenko Moskiewski Uniwersytet Państwowy im. M. Łomonosowa



state development, mechanism of history, the Russian history, the necessity of powerful state, conditions of political stability in Russsia


System of mutual relations between the center and regions: lessons of domestic political tradition

The main focus of interest in the text is the influence of geographical environment, geopolitics, mentality, tradition on state system building in Russia. The Author stresses that the Russian state is influenced by general mechanisms of history, but on the other hand, some specific features of Russian history have been voiced by many Russian historians who noticed that due to inner and outer circumstances the state development in Russia generally was forced by the authority, from above. Due to historical experiences of Russia the necessity of powerful state, based on good relations between the Center and regions is concerned.


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Author Biography

Walerij Kowalenko, Moskiewski Uniwersytet Państwowy im. M. Łomonosowa

Doktor habilitowany nauk filozoficznych, profesor, kierownik Katedry Polityki Rosyjskiej na Wydziale Politologii Moskiewskiego Uniwersytetu Państwowego im. M. Łomonosowa.


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How to Cite

Kowalenko, Walerij. 2015. “System Wzajemnych Relacji między Centrum I Regionami: Lekcja Rodzimej Tradycji Politycznej”. Politeja 12 (7 (34/2):33-42.