Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii geodezyjnych w inwentaryzacji kopca Józefa Piłsudskiego


  • Rafał Gawałkiewicz Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków



Słowa kluczowe:

kopiec Józefa Piłsudskiego, Sowiniec, technologia geodezyjna, geodezyjne badania kopców


The mounds in Kraków belong to the category of special works of engineering in Poland due to their structure, shape and purpose. They were constructed throughout the centuries of the existence of the Polish state thanks to a series of social initiatives as objects of religious cult, places where special events or people who contributed to the formation of Polish statehood were commemorated. Today, thanks to their remarkable position, towering over the city, they constitute a perfect overlook which offers a great panorama of Kraków and the adjacent regions. Despite the fact that these structures are subject to conservatory maintenance, they are susceptible to permanent deformations of geometry. To ensure the safety of these structures they should be periodically monitored by the geodesic service and scientific institutions. Due to their very delicate and peculiar structure, the mounds are particularly susceptible to the influence of changing atmospheric conditions. The latter repeatedly caused damage of the earth structure i.e. landslides. The influence of natural forces and human activity frequently caused considerable changes in the appearance of these structures. The form of the Józef Piłsudski Mound in Sowiniec deserves special attention as the greatest structure of this kind in Poland. The study familiarises the reader with the contemporary history of the mound seen through the eyes of a geodesist thanks to the presentation of contemporary cartographic research made during the last 30 years which are preserved in the archives of the Committee for the Maintenance of the Józef Piłsudski Mound and of the Municipal Centre of Geodesic and Cartographic Documentation in Kraków. Furthermore, the author presents in his article the results of a detailed analysis of its structure with reference to decorative structures. The analysis was conducted with the aid of the most recent geodesic technology furnished by Trimble and computer technology which facilitated the parametrisation of the geometry of the structure and a representation of its current state.

Biogram autora

Rafał Gawałkiewicz - Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków

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http://www.geodezyjny.soteshop.pl/punkt pomiarowy-graniczny-plastmark-40cm-50cm.html














Jak cytować

Gawałkiewicz, Rafał. 2013. „Wykorzystanie Nowoczesnych Technologii Geodezyjnych W Inwentaryzacji Kopca Józefa Piłsudskiego”. Sowiniec 24 (42):63-94. https://doi.org/10.12797/Sowiniec.24.2013.42.05.


