An Englishman in-between Two Worlds: Robert Bargrave’s Travel through East-Central Europe, 1652-1653


  • Anna Kalinowska Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw



East -Central Europe, England, travels, Bargrave Robert


The article discusses a journey of a young Englishman Robert Bargrave (1628-1661), who in the early 1650s travelled from Constantinople to England. The travel diary recording this journey reflects Bargrave’s keen interest in the customs, everyday life and languages as well as natural conditions and economy of the places he visited and shows that he tried to place it in a wider context. As a result, closer analysis of this text gives us an excellent opportunity to examine the picture of East -Central Europe as seen by a mid-seventeenth century Englishman and the way he perceived it in relation to both the Ottoman Empire and Western Europe.

Author Biography

Anna Kalinowska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Historian of the early modern period, working mainly on diplomatic and news history in Poland-Lithuania and Western Europe in the late 16th and 17th centuries. Since 2006 she has been a member of the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences (IH PAN). She is a Fulbright Scholar, grantee of the British Academy, National Science Centre Poland, as well as Royal Society of Edinburgh and the The Brzezie Lanckoronski Foundation.


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How to Cite

Kalinowska, A. . (2021). An Englishman in-between Two Worlds: Robert Bargrave’s Travel through East-Central Europe, 1652-1653. Studia Historyczne, 61(4 (244), 45–54.


