Strengthening Polish-Mexican Academic Cooperation: Present and Future Perspectives




Poland, Mexico, internationalization, higher education, academic cooperation, scientific cooperation


Science and higher education have always been intensely internationalized areas of human activity. Especially in the era of globalization, higher education systems around the world face the challenge of internationalization. Internationalization not only strengthens opportunities for development, but is seen as an inevitable necessity in the globalizing and strongly competitive world. Although there is a long-standing tradition of academic cooperation between Poland and Mexico, the changing reality enforces increased efforts to build a more conscious, comprehensive relationship with measurable, long-lasting results. Since ad hoc contacts between individual researchers are not sufficient any longer, a complex, realistic vision of such cooperation is needed. Universities in Poland and Mexico start to see the opportunity to intensify cooperation, which – effectively explored – can significantly contribute to a nation’s economic competitiveness in general and to understanding the nature of trends and challenges in international higher education. The author discusses current activities within the framework of academic cooperation between the two countries and the most important initiatives that may bring closer cooperation in the future. A special focus will be put on the challenges faced by both countries in higher education cooperation schemes, as seen from the Polish perspective.

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Author Biography

Joanna Gocłowska-Bolek, University of Warsaw, Poland

PhD – is an economist and Latin Americanist. She currently works at the Center for Political Analysis at the University of Warsaw and does research in International Economics and Policy of Developing Countries, with a special focus on Latin America, and relations between the European Union – Latin America. Her current projects are “Latin America in the Search of a New Development Strategy” and “Academic Cooperation Between Europe and Latin America”. Promoter of academic cooperation between Polish and Latin American universities. Director of the Center for Latin American Studies CESLA, University of Warsaw (2012-2016) and Member of the Board of the European Council for Social Studies of Latin America / Comisión Directiva del Consejo de Investigaciónes Sociales de América Latina CEISAL (2013-2016). Contact address: j.goclowska-bolek@


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How to Cite

Gocłowska-Bolek, J. “Strengthening Polish-Mexican Academic Cooperation: Present and Future Perspectives”. Ad Americam, vol. 19, Feb. 2019, pp. 83-102, doi:10.12797/AdAmericam.19.2018.19.06.


