From Jupiter’s Rod to the School Mace

The Origin of a Symbol of Power and Authority in a Greek Poem by Michael Retell


  • Roberto Peressin Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw



Gymnasium Dantiscanum, Michael Retellius, Michael Retell, Humanist Greek, academic mace, rod of correction, Protestant education, Polish Renaissance


The article presents an edition, prose translation, and commentary concerning a Humanist Greek poem composed by Michael Retell and published in Danzig in 1571. The poem is dedicated to the origin of the academic mace as a symbol of authority and power within the Danzig academic school (Gymnasium Dantiscanum). Through an analysis of this text, the study aims to shed light on some organisational aspects of the renowned Reformed school during its formative period and to highlight the contributions of a talented yet lesser-known Hellenist of the Polish Renaissance.

PlumX Metrics of this article


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How to Cite

Peressin, R. “From Jupiter’s Rod to the School Mace : The Origin of a Symbol of Power and Authority in a Greek Poem by Michael Retell”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 27, Dec. 2024, pp. 263-92, doi:10.12797/CC.27.2024.27.11.



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