Heterogeneity, Compliance and Enforcement of Public International Law Remarks on Sanctions and Countermeasures

Legal Theory and the Sociology of Law Approach


  • Jerzy Menkes Warsaw School of Economics
  • Anna Kociołek-Pęksa Warsaw School of Economics




institutionalization and heterogenity of public international law, legal sociology and axiology, international community, sanction and countermeasures, legal international liability of public international law, legal responsibility of states


This paper discusses issues with law enforcement and compliance in the area of public international law. It presents the conditions affecting the quality of the application of legal norms of public international law. Analysis of the problem is multifactorial. While presenting the law enforcement process, attention is drawn to the question of the standards of execution of international legal norms that run contrary to national law. This phenomenon has been identified as and called by the authors “discovering law (legal norms) through sanctions”. The main issue concerns theoretical and legal philosophical issues: the legal responsibility of states, coercive measures against states, sanctions and countermeasures in public international law and in international relations. The authors critinstitutionalization and heterogenity of public international lawicize the contemporary model of the legal responsibility of states, pointing to a feedback loop between the concept of sanctions and the principle of the sovereigntyof a state. Homogenization and globalization processes overlap only slightly in public international law. Also, institutionalization and constitutionalization have slowed. We argue that the PIL system is threatened by the effects of sui generis rejection of legal norms by a state in relation to certain countries while claiming that these legal norms apply to other countries. The system is also under threat by the effects of strong nationalist tendencies among PMP actors, as well as the international community itself. The conclusion and recommendation of the authors suggest that the lack of analysis of socio-legal publicinternational law is undesirable and harmful to that area of law. We claim that itnegatively affects macro-social efficiency and, above all, the supranational and interstate (intergovernmental) level of effectiveness. It impairs the process of institutionalization of public international law and hinders the process of socialization, sensu largissimo.


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Author Biographies

Jerzy Menkes, Warsaw School of Economics

Ll. D., President of Polish Branch of International Law Association. Chief of Department of International Law and Organisations, Collegium of World Economy at Warsaw School of Economics. He is a specialist of international law. In the mainstream of his interests is the international economic law and international organizations.

Anna Kociołek-Pęksa, Warsaw School of Economics

Phd Law, lecturer at the Chair of Public Administration, Collegium of Socio-Economics, Warsaw School of Economics. She is a specialist of legal sociology and public policy. In the mainstream of her interests is legal philosophy and legal public policy.


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How to Cite

Menkes, Jerzy, and Anna Kociołek-Pęksa. 2019. “Heterogeneity, Compliance and Enforcement of Public International Law Remarks on Sanctions and Countermeasures: Legal Theory and the Sociology of Law Approach”. Politeja 16 (6(63):7-25. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.16.2019.63.01.