The Concept of “Indian Philosophy” as a Product of Intercultural Dialogue (Wilhelm Halbfass’s India and Europe Revisited )


  • Sergei Serebriany Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow



philosophy, Western, non‑Western, Indian, Chinese, Russian, transfer, intercultural dialogue


This paper is a sequel to another paper of the same author: “Some Marginal Notes on [W. Halbfass’s] India and Europe” (in: E. Franco, K. Preisendanz (eds.), Beyond Orientalism. The Work of Wilhelm Halbfass and its Impact on Indian and Cross‑Cultural Studies, Amsterdam–Atlanta 1997). In the present paper the concept of “Indian philosophy” is discussed – with references to the analysis of the concept in the book India and Europe by W. Halbfass. The central idea of the paper is this: “Indian philosophy” is not a kind of primordial entity it is often said to be, but rather a contingent concept which gradually evolved in the 19th and 20th century in the process of intercultural interaction between Indian (South Asian) and European (Western) intellectual traditions.


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Author Biography

Sergei Serebriany, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

Born in 1946 in Moscow, in 1962-1968 studied Indian languages and literatures at the Institute of Oriental Languages, Moscow State (Lomonosov) University. Since then, attached to various institutions in Moscow, he has been doing research work in the field of Indian literatures, Indian philosophy, and Indian cultural history.


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How to Cite

Serebriany, Sergei. 2016. “The Concept of ‘Indian Philosophy’ As a Product of Intercultural Dialogue (Wilhelm Halbfass’s India and Europe Revisited )”. Politeja 13 (1 (40):227-52.