Human Rights as an Element of Mutual Recognition and Equality of Opportunity


  • Bartosz Wojciechowski University of Lodz



human rights, multiculturalism, pluralism, mutual recognition, equality of opportunity, human dignity


The fact of multiculturalism or pluralism plays a significant role in forming the law as well as in the functioning of various state institutions, hence human rights take a lead in the protection of the rights of minorities or discriminated groups. Considering these problems in my article, I formulate the thesis that arguments for the justification of human rights should be sought in the principle of mutual recognition, which is an expression of a cross-cultural consensus, an individualistic conception of a person, and equal opportunities as universal premises for these rights. Such assumptions expressed in human rights – whether justified or even framed in an innovative way – are the main force shaping a cosmopolitan civil society.


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Author Biography

Bartosz Wojciechowski, University of Lodz

Is an Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, the Director of the Center for Theory and Philosophy of Human Rights, the member of an Editorial Board of the journals: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Springer Publishing, The Intellectum. A Journal of Generating Understanding (Greece), Przegląd Sejmowy (the journal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland), Folia Iuridica Universitatis Lodziensis. An international expert in the EU-funded project “Pravo-Justice” (European Justice for Ukraine). He is a judge in the Supreme Administrative Court (head of the Faculty of European Law). He has published and co-edited several books and articles on legal interpretation, judicial discretion, interculturality, and morality of law.


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How to Cite

Wojciechowski, Bartosz. 2021. “Human Rights As an Element of Mutual Recognition and Equality of Opportunity”. Politeja 18 (2(71):95-114.