Armed Conflicts in Fragile States and their Influence on Illegal Migrations and Refugees in the European Union in the 21st Century


  • Katarzyna Wardin Polish Naval Academy



armed conflicts, fragile states, migration, refugees, EU missions and operations


The changes in the 21st century have brought new threats and problems for the international community. The European Union, as one of the most important actors in the world, was forced to change its approach to a new situation, which is characterized by the presence of threats such as illegal migration, huge refugee influx and the existence of fragile states in its neighborhood. The main objective of this paper is to present the EU’s engagement in stabilization of fragile states through civilian and military missions and operations to hold illegal migration. It answers the question whether the actions undertaken by the EU are powerful. The analysis of the operations and missions in chosen states (Somalia, Libya) shown that although the influx of migrants and refugees is lower, the changes and the influence of actions helping them to become stronger and more secure states are rather minor The conclusions comprise several thoughts which should be taken under consideration by the EU in the future in order to support European security and wealth.


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Author Biography

Katarzyna Wardin, Polish Naval Academy

Works as an associate professor at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, Command and Naval Operations Faculty. She graduated from the University of Gdańsk in political science and public policy, in 2007, she received the PhD title in the specialty maritime state security. She obtained the title of D.Sc. in the field of social sciences, specialty security at the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia in 2014. She is the author of numerous scientific papers in national and foreign magazines on maritime transport security and its contemporary threats, with particular emphasis on maritime piracy and terrorism, illegal migration and refugees. She takes active participation in national and international conferences presenting her research findings. In addition, Ms Wardin conducts research in the area of international political relations and international security, security of the EU to as well as the threats caused by weak and fragile states with a special focus on Somalia.


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How to Cite

Katarzyna Wardin. 2018. “Armed Conflicts in Fragile States and Their Influence on Illegal Migrations and Refugees in the European Union in the 21st Century”. Politeja 15 (5(56):211-30.