Ethics and Humanism in the Machine Era
artificial ingelligence, ethics, machine, human being, digital lifeAbstract
In a society based on technology, the human being loses their centrality and triggers the fourth revolution by means of scientific advancement and digital progress: that of the rupture of anthropocentrism, of industry 4.0 and of the infosphere. The scientific and academic debate must focus its attention, among various elements, on the formulation of new ethical principles that can guide a person in their interaction, interconnection and, in some cases, “fusion” with the “machine” and its accompanying values. The advent of artificial intelligences is producing changes in the management of common liberties, of private and public life, of the individual and of the community, which increasingly seek in the “artificialisation” of the self and in their relationship with machines, places, subjects, reflections of interaction with each other and with the other self. The sophistication of technology and, therefore, of reality indicate the need to rethink the relationship between the tangibility of the natural and its mechaniseddigitalised representations. What will be the ethics of the future? What are the values to support in the new revolution that sees the person flanked by the machine? What are, at present, the global choices on these issues?
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