Segmenty społeczne hiszpańskiej restauracji


  • Marcin Mleczak Uniwersytet Jagielloński


praetorianism, Spanish Restoration (1874–1931), the Church, Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, Alphonso XIII of Spain


Social Segments of the Spanish Restoration (1874–1931)
The article analyses two public institutions during the time of the Spanish Restoration (1874–1931): the Catholic Church and the army. This era has earned the appellation of ‘the black legend’, which was largely due to the actions of these two institutions. In reality, this period was actually very different from the caricatured vision of the common rule of the aristocracy, the military and church hierarchy. On the contrary, relations between these three groups were complex and often led to conflicts. Analysing these phenomena and the dynamics of social conflicts through the perspective of Marxist class analysis appears futile. Research using the concept of social segments, as developed by British sociologist Michael Mann, is much more promising, as is presented in the article.

Author Biography

Marcin Mleczak, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

historyk, obecnie przygotowuje rozprawę doktorską na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, poświęconą elitom politycznym Hiszpanii frankistowskiej. Publikował w „Pracach Historycznych”, „Arcanach” i „Pressjach”.



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How to Cite

Mleczak, M. (2016). Segmenty społeczne hiszpańskiej restauracji. Studia Historyczne, 59(4 (236), 390–409. Retrieved from



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