The Immigration of Galician Jews to Hungary in the Age of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1867-1914




Galician Jews, migration, cross-borders, antisemitism, security of borders


This study is concerned with the immigration of Galician Jews to Hungary. The first section examines the newspapers in circulation in the counties along the border and asks: What rhetorical devices did they use, and what commonplaces did they employ to justify their stereotypical and biased lines of argument in relation to the coexistence of Jews and established local societies. This section is followed by a description of the central government’s efforts to regulate migration. The study concludes with a study of the different types of migration (temporary, circular, repetitive, etc.) and provides an opportunity to interpret the contradiction between statistical data and contemporaries’ perception of “reality.”

Author Biography

Tamás Csíki, University of Miskolc, Hungary

Dr nauk historycznych, adiunkt na Uniwersytecie w Miszkolcu. Zajmuje się historią społeczną Węgier w XIX i XX w. Jest autorem 4 książek i około 150 publikacji naukowych.


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How to Cite

Csíki, T. . (2022). The Immigration of Galician Jews to Hungary in the Age of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1867-1914. Studia Historyczne, 62(4(248), 43–61.


