Epimenides de Creta en el relato de un liberal Espanol del. s. XIX





XIX Century, Spanish literature, ancient Greek literature, Greek philosophy, Cretan history, Ottoman Crete, Cretan revolution


Epimenides de Creta en el relato de un liberal Espanol del. s. XIX

In my paper I examine a literary work, virtually unknown, of the Spanish journalist, writer and liberal politician of the late nineteenth century, Nilo Fabra, who builds an imaginary story with the background of the island of Crete. He describes the situation of the island during the period, in which Crete is going to be liberated from the Ottomans by the Western powers. The writer uses the dialogue between a well-known personality of the ancient Crete and an occasional traveller to describe allegorically the moment in which the events take place and its relationship with the past times of the island.

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How to Cite

Serrano-Espinosa, M. “Epimenides De Creta En El Relato De Un Liberal Espanol Del. S. XIX”. Classica Cracoviensia, vol. 18, Sept. 2015, pp. 335-48, doi:10.12797/CC.18.2015.18.19.


