Identyfikacja społeczno-kulturowa oraz samoocena kompetencji ogólnych do komunikacji międzykulturowej wśród studentów obcokrajowców


  • Urszula Majcher-Legawiec Uniwersytet Warszawski; Fundacja Wspierania Kultury i Języka Polskiego im. M. Reja



intercultural communication, intercultural communication competences, intercultural communication determinants, identity, significance of language skills, multicultural educational environment


Socio-cultural Identification and Self-Appraisal of General Competence in Multicultural Communication in Foreign Students

The article presents the results of research on socio-cultural identification and self-assessment of general competences for intercultural communication carried out among foreign students preparing for studies in Polish under the socalled zero year. The behaviors of participants in the communication process, including intercultural communication, are conditioned by situational factors that are based on the socio-cultural context. Interaction participants set the situation in a known cultural context, which in the case of intercultural communication can lead to misunderstanding and frustration. Therefore, negotiating the meanings in the interaction of multicultural partners faces many conditions. Among those conditions, knowledge of the language (or lack thereof ) is just one of many elements. The remaining elements are general, cognitive and cultural competences as well as a set of competences including knowledge, practical skills and mindsets relating to social and communication behavior. The research was conducted among MCK PK students and it pertained to competences for multicultural communication. To reach this goal, slightly modified research tools prepared by a research team from the University of Bialystok were used. The collected data has been subjected to statistical analysis and interpretation.


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How to Cite

Majcher-Legawiec, Urszula. 2019. “Identyfikacja społeczno-Kulturowa Oraz Samoocena Kompetencji ogólnych Do Komunikacji międzykulturowej wśród studentów obcokrajowców”. Politeja 16 (4(61):207-27.