Information Culture in Intercultural Space. Moderation of Values


  • Sylwia Jaskuła Łomża State University of Applied Sciences



information culture, intercultural space, values in information society


The current role of information culture is combined with the change of the role of information in modern media civilization. This gives rise to new educational needs, including multicultural education, with relevant education in the field of information competence as its important element. In the new space of presence of a man, which is formed as a result of the interaction of real and virtual resources, these competences become more intercultural. At the same time, the diversity of cultures in space and their variability in time results in a lack of uniformity in the interpretation, perception and analysis of information, which leads to difficulty in defining a uniform model of culture and information competency. In this reality one of the main challenges facing today’s cultures becomes keeping up with the changes of the information society and the dynamics of contemporary information culture which are generated, exceeding the barriers of stability, sustainability and predictability.


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Author Biography

Sylwia Jaskuła, Łomża State University of Applied Sciences

Is the author of many articles about information culture and space, transformations in education, developmental evaluation, information and knowledge society, intercultural and information competences, and intercultural cooperation. Animator of comparative research on cultural and educational aspects of the modern “conceptual” society. She is a leading expert in the field of evaluation strategies and training programmes in education for social transformation, communication and innovation.


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How to Cite

Jaskuła, Sylwia. 2016. “Information Culture in Intercultural Space. Moderation of Values”. Politeja 13 (5 (44):183-98.