Easter Rising in the Polish Press (Political Commentaries)
Easter Rising, the Polish press, political commentariesAbstract
Easter Rising in the Polish Press (Political Commentaries)
The author of the paper describes the ways in which the Polish press were informed about the Easter Rising, sources of gaining this knowledge (Reuters Agency and European daily newspapers); particularly, he makes analysis of political commentaries which were published in Warsaw, Cracow and Lvov newspapers. He shows a specific character of Polish reaction to the events in Ireland, which was rooted in the analogy of historical destiny of both nations, and gained a particularly strong resonance on the turn of April and May 1916. The author points out to the causes of this resonance of which a gradual change in the attitude of the Polish society towards Germany was the most important. The permission of German authorities-in-occupation for a great national manifestation in Warsaw on 3 May 1916 strengthened the orientation towards the central states which was evidenced by the participation of the political figuring on Germany in this event. Reports of the fall of the uprising in Ireland and the accompanying commen aries coincided with comprehensive accounts of manifestation celebrating 125th ann versary of 3rd May Constitution, which was of significant importance for the reception of the Easter Rising. Emotional stress in Warsaw, strongly stimulating patriotic feelings, created an extremely emotional attitude towards the uprising in Dublin experienced by Poles as a charter almost from their history.
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