Echoes of the Jagiellonian Idea in the Present Polish Military Assistance Programs


  • Hubert Królikowski Jagiellonian University



Jagiellonian idea, military assistance, olish Special Operations Forces, Polish Regional Security Assistance Program, Regional Territorial Defence Centre Initiative


Echoes of the Jagiellonian Idea in the Present Polish Military Assistance Programs

The exchange of ideas, views and mutual benefit from the experience of the traditions that prevailed in Central Europe in the Jagiellonian era also embraced the military area. Similarly, today the European Union, and especially NATO, unknowingly still refer to the Jagiellonian idea. It is certainly done by Poland, actively involved in the process of building a security and democracy zone in Central Europe. Actions called Military Assistance, which will be discussed in this article, are an important element of these activities in the area of security.


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Author Biography

Hubert Królikowski, Jagiellonian University

Is Professor at the Middle and Far East Studies Institute, Faculty of Political and International Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He is also the Chairman of the Security Education Foundation. He holds Ph.D. in Military History from the Military Historical Institute in 1996, habilitation in National Security from National Defense Academy in Warsaw in 2006, and full professor since 2015. His academic experience includes the position of Assistant Professor and Professor at the Institute of History and (as the Chairman) the Institute of Social Studies at Podlaska Academy in Siedlce (1991-2009). He also was the head of Euro Atlantic Security and Integration School (1998-2000) and Professor at the Political Studies Faculty, Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk (2007). There, he was also the Chair of the National Security Studies Unit. He also has many years of professional experience in security, defense and business fields. From 1994 to 1997 he worked at the National Security Bureau among others holding positions Head of the Team for External Threat Analysis (at the Threat Analysis Department) and acting Director of the Threat Analysis Department. In the years 1997-2005 he was a Senior Defense Analyst with responsibilities to service national defense accounts at CEC Government Relations. He was the Director’s Plenipotentiary for Offset at the Institute of the Aviation (2006-2007) and after it was the Director of the Offset Programs Department in the Ministry of the Economy during the period 2007-2016. Since 2016 is a Deputy Director of the Military Foreign Affairs Department and Advisor of the Minister’s of National Defence Plenipotentiary for the Strategic Defence Review. Main interests and areas of research: strateg y and national security in theory and practice, Special Forces and operations, irregular and unconventional warfare, military history.


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How to Cite

Królikowski, Hubert. 2017. “Echoes of the Jagiellonian Idea in the Present Polish Military Assistance Programs”. Politeja 14 (6(51):191-211.