Searching for a New Identity: Muslims in Western Europe


  • Dorota Rudnicka-Kassem Jagiellonian University



Muslims, Western Europe, newcomers, identity, family reunion, transition new data


This article is devoted to the issue of multi-ethnic relations in Western Europe, and in particular to the question of the search of Muslim nowadays identity. The so-called civilization clash, language and culture diversity, the ongoing debate about the Muslims both new comers and old settlers are the crucial issue. Muslims in Western Europe are in constant search for their new identity made out of various elements, such as influences of home tradition, new movements, including fundamentalism and modern western trends. What is more, since Europe is predominantly Christian country, a development of Muslim-Christian dialogue is essential because it will have a tremendous influence of shaping new Muslim identity.


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Author Biography

Dorota Rudnicka-Kassem, Jagiellonian University

Associate Professor, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University (Arabic Philology) and McGill University (Islamic Studies), specialist on modern Islam and modern Islamic history, modern Arab thought and political theatre, in the recent years she is particularly interested in the issuee of Christian-Muslim dialogue. Her work John Paul II, Islam and the Middle East:The Pope’s Spiritual Leadership in Developing a Dialogical Path for the New History of Christian-Muslim Relations addresses new developments in the history of that dialogue as introduced by the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the policy of Paul VI and John Paul II. Dorota Rudnicka-Kassem conducts courses on various issues related to Muslim civilization, including introductory ones, and more elaborated ones, both in Polish and in English.


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How to Cite

Rudnicka-Kassem, Dorota. 2016. “Searching for a New Identity: Muslims in Western Europe”. Politeja 13 (5 (44):251-63.