Creating a Collective Identity in The Digital Age: The Perspective of Behavioural Economics


  • Łukasz Młyńczyk University of Zielona Góra



collective identity, behavioural economics, political behaviour, political decision, big data, social media, Facebook


This paper comprises four related parts. The first part presents hypotheses regarding the forms of creating a collective identity in the age of digitization and the adopted theoretical assumptions, including conceptualization of concepts. The concept of Daniel Kahneman’s thinking systems is quoted, which was used to analyse the presented phenomenon in relation to the political decisionmaking process. The second section is a presentation of the research problem as a concept that is equivalent to the category of behavioural economics. Next, we explain the pattern of the transition from the left-wing identity policy to its right-wing response. The final part represents an analysis of the Internet collective identity in relation to political risk and profit, while the epilogue presents the political implications of the use of collective identity by measurement tools and consulting entities managing the flow, collection and compilation of data.


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Author Biography

Łukasz Młyńczyk, University of Zielona Góra

Associate Professor at the University of Zielona Góra (UZ), Chair of Theory of Politics and Administration, Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Political Science and Public Administration of UZ, Associate Professor at UZ since 1 October 2017. Specializing in research on the methodology of social research, metatheories and political theory, he is an expert and analyst of political life and research in the scope of political phenomena and processes. He wrote two monographs: Między kreatywnością a próżnowaniem. Polityczność dwóch typów idealnych (2015), and Polityka wyznaniowa. Perspektywa Unii Europejskiej (2018, co-authored by Piotr Mazurkiewicz and Robert T. Ptaszek), as well as a number of scientific papers published or reviewed in scientific journals. He also published his articles abroad, in Sweden and the United States. He works as content editor for two scientific journals – “Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne” and “Przegląd Narodowościowy – Review of Nationalities”. In the years 2014-2019, he served as Deputy Director and Acting Director of the University of Zielona Góra’s Institute of Political Science.


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How to Cite

Młyńczyk, Łukasz. 2020. “Creating a Collective Identity in The Digital Age: The Perspective of Behavioural Economics”. Politeja 17 (5(68):83-100.

