Relative impact of administrative measures on labour migration flows from Central Asia


  • Piotr Kaźmierkiewicz Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw



determinants of migration, migration policy, labour migration, Central Asia – migration flows, Russia – migraton policy


Comparative studies show an ambiguous effect of the application of administrative controls on the level of migrant inflows, with the relative impact of the measures weaker than that of long-term economic or cultural factors. The case of Central Asian migration to Kazakhstan and Russia demonstrates the interplay of administrative measures and economic shocks with strategies of migrant groups and individuals. The review of recent surveys, interviews and focus groups with migrants from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan suggests that changes in the policies of destination countries have a limited impact on their own plans. The long-term determinants, such as the support provided by diasporas and the fundamental economic pull and push factors mitigate the effects of sanctions or facilitating measures.


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Author Biography

Piotr Kaźmierkiewicz, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw

Is a political scientist, graduate of Nicholas Copernicus University, Southern Oregon University and Central European University. He has been a migration policy expert at the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw since 2002 and consultant to International Organization for Migration since 2007. Author and editor of comparative and evaluation studies on migration and visa policy, border and migration management, irregular and labour migration, concentrating on Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia.


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How to Cite

Kaźmierkiewicz, Piotr. 2016. “Relative Impact of Administrative Measures on Labour Migration Flows from Central Asia”. Politeja 13 (2 (41):57-76.