The European Dream

The Frontier in European History


  • Mariateresa Gammone University of L’Aquila



sociology, Europe, frontiers


Many European citizens do not have a clear idea about European identity. But a European Dream (in many ways parallel to the American Dream) has raised hopes and offered opportunities for democratic and peaceful development. As F.J. Turner emphasized the importance of the frontier in shaping American character, we can also see the importance of the frontier in shaping the European mindset. In terms of topological mapping, a frontier is often also a war‑front. Outside Europe as well, borders such as the Great Wall of China have defined territory as a defended area. However, boundaries have seen not only war. Many cross‑border regions have in fact seen dialogue, communication, commerce, change, travel, and mutual inspiration. European identity was strengthened and defined through ancient reasoning concerning frontiers. According to Braudel, the Mediterranean cannot be understood independently from what is exterior to it. The first European identity was strengthened and defined on the frontier and the values of Europe are best perceived along its borders. The light shines strongest in the point of its source, but it is more appreciated to the point of its limit, where darkness and brightness compete for space – and even for life. European peripheries may be seen as a problem, yet they are the bastions of Europe and today, like yesterday, they have frequently prevented the institutional collapse of the center of Europe. Sometimes, an institutional breakdown begins at the peripheries and then, like an avalanche, sweeps the center away.


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Author Biography

Mariateresa Gammone, University of L’Aquila

Holds Law degree from University of Bari, Italy. Specialization course in Taxation and Law, School of Management, LUISS Guido Carli. Since 2001, cooperation in the preparation, planning, direction, School of Investigative Sciences, L’Aquila University, carrying out tasks part educational and part scientific, in cooperation with various academic, ministries, professional bodies, from conception to 2006, Course on public administration and territorial development, National Research 2006, Master’s Degree “Discipline del lavoro”, sindacali e della sicurezza sociale, Rome 2007, Ph.D. in Criminolog y, Ludes Università, Lugano, Switzerland. 2008, winner of national competition, Sociolog y, SPS07, University of L’Aquila. Publications: Responsabilizzazione e devianza minorile (1999; with a foreword by the President of Italian Judges for Juvenile Justice, dott. Franco Occhiogrosso); L’investigazione come scienza (ed.; 2004); Sicurezza e intelligence. Pagine scelte e commentate (ed.; 2007); with F. Sidoti, ‘The Sociological Intervention’ in R. Kincal (ed.), International Symposium on Democracy and Democracy Education in Europe (2009); with F. Sidoti, ‘The Lombroso Biologism: a Centenary of Controversies’, Salute e Società, No. 3 (2010), at <>; Democrazia, donne, futuro. La sociologia e Alain Touraine (2012); with F. Sidoti, Che cosa significa essere europeo? una ricerca al cuore e ai confini dell’Europa (2013).


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How to Cite

Gammone, Mariateresa. 2015. “The European Dream: The Frontier in European History”. Politeja 12 (5 (37):55-73.