Jan Paweł II wobec zmian w Polsce w związku z wejściem do Unii Europejskiej


  • Hanna Suchocka Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu




papal teaching, John Paul II pontificate, European integration, Poland in the EU, The Holy See, European constitution


John Paul II’s position toward the changes in Poland associated with joining the European Union

As regards the approach to political problems, John Paul II’s pontificate was different from previous pontificates. Nowadays, due to the media phenomenon of Pope Francis, one tends to forget about the shock, in the positive sense of the word, which was associated with the nomination of Karol Wojtyła to become the pope and his famous words: “Do not be afraid”. These words were as political as they could be. They were addressed mainly to Poland, but not only to that country. John Paul II calmly paved the way for the future unification of Europe. He used the means that were accessible to the Holy See and one of this decisions was to proclaim St. Cyril and St. Methodius as the patrons of Europe. The problem of the European Constitution was doubtlessly a painful area for John Paul II. The document lacked a reference to Christianity. The Polish Pope frequently and explicitly stated that European civilization grew from Christian roots. During the course of this pontificate John Paul II persistently struggled for respecting human rights and for freedom. As far as this area is concerned, Europe seems to pursue a different course than the one which John Paul II tried to define. In other words, Europe set out upon a course which was so much feared by John Paul II and this is the reason that since the very beginning the latter made appeals to establish the European continent in the domain of values. During his visit in 1991 he also warned the Polish people against revelling in their recently regained freedom. Despite his concerns about the course that Europe pursued, John Paul II never became discouraged by the “European project”. He always claimed that Poland belongs in Europe. And that is why, on the eve of Poland joining the European Union, that he addressed the following words directly to the Polish people: Poland needs Europe and Europe needs Poland; our involvement in European structures is a challenge. The Pope appreciated the concerns entertained by eurosceptics, but he emphasized the point that today Poland, which was always a part of Poland, may not divorce itself from this Community.


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Author Biography

Hanna Suchocka, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Polityk, radca prawny, nauczyciel akademicki, dyplomata. Wykładowca w Katedrze Prawa Konstytucyjnego Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, a w latach 1988-1992 również na Wydziale Prawa Świeckiego i Kanonicznego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Od 1969 r. członek Stronnictwa Demokratycznego. W latach 1980-1981 działała w NSZZ „Solidarność”, a w latach 1989-2001 sprawowała mandat posła na Sejm RP. Od 10 lipca 1992 do 28 maja 1993 r. pełniła funkcję prezesa Rady Ministrów RP rządu centro-prawicowego, a następnie w latach 1997-2001 ministra sprawiedliwości i prokuratora generalnego. Od 2001 do połowy 2013 r. ambasador RP przy Stolicy Apostolskiej i przy Suwerennym Wojskowym Zakonie Kawalerów Maltańskich. Członek Papieskiej Akademii Nauk Społecznych.


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How to Cite

Suchocka, Hanna. 2014. “Jan Paweł II Wobec Zmian W Polsce W związku Z wejściem Do Unii Europejskiej”. Politeja 11 (3 (29):212-4. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.11.2014.29.16.



The Holy See on the international arena during the pontificate of John Paul II