Wielkomiejscy radni Platformy Obywatelskiej i Prawa i Sprawiedliwości na ścieżkach do stanowisk zajmowanych w kadencji 2006-2010


  • Witold Betkiewicz Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN




urban politics, political career, local‑government career, political party


“Civic Platform” and “Law and Justice” urban councilors on their paths to posts in 2006‑2010 term

The main aim of the article is to describe career patterns of big city politicians who had been elected from lists of Civic Platform Party and Law and Justice Party, both parties that dominated Polish political scene. The authors try to answer in what way political career, local government career and socio‑economic status have affected the post held at the city council by representatives elected from both party lists. The authors formulate four hypotheses which concern the characteristics of the paths toward posts held by both parties’ representatives. The results of analysis show that paths towards posts are different and connected to the party. Law and Justice paths, whereparty career are very important, are more obvious and easer to interpretations. In the case of councilors who had represented Civic Platform relatively significant are local‑government careers.


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Author Biography

Witold Betkiewicz, Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN

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How to Cite

Betkiewicz, Witold. 2014. “Wielkomiejscy Radni Platformy Obywatelskiej I Prawa I Sprawiedliwości Na ścieżkach Do Stanowisk Zajmowanych W Kadencji 2006-2010”. Politeja 11 (1(27):295-325. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.11.2014.27.15.


