Euroscepticism in Hungary and Poland: A Comparative Analysis of Jobbik and the Law and Justice Parties


  • Nóra Lázár Corvinus University of Budapest



Euroscepticism, parties, European Union, Hungary, Poland


Euroscepticism is one of the most contested concepts within political science discourse; its definitions, classifications and criteria are widespread. Using Szczerbiak & Taggart, Kopecký & Mudde as well as Chris Flood, this essay intends to describe the attitudes of citizens towards the European Union in Hungary and Poland ten years after accession to the EU. Two dominant parties from Central Eastern Europe, which are classified as Eurosceptic according to scientists and experts, represent dissatisfied and even hostile constituencies towards EU engagement within Hungary and Poland. A comparative analysis of the two parties shows their similarities at the national level, yet reveals important differences in terms of ideology as well as their classification of Euroscepticism.


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Author Biography

Nóra Lázár, Corvinus University of Budapest

Graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Social Sciences. She obtained BA (2012) and MA (2015) in Political Science there. Her research area focuses on international relations, the political system of the Visegrad countries, particularly on Hungarian-Polish relations and Polish politics. Her BA thesis was a comparative analysis of the Civic Platform and the Law and Justice parties, while MA thesis was about the European policy of the second Orbán and the second Tusk government. She currently works for the local government of the 5th district of Budapest as a chief of staff.


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How to Cite

Lázár, Nóra. 2015. “Euroscepticism in Hungary and Poland: A Comparative Analysis of Jobbik and the Law and Justice Parties”. Politeja 12 (1 (33):215-33.