Wojna sprawiedliwa versus wojna święta

Zagadnienia doktrynalne historycznej konfrontacji


  • Zbigniew Rau Uniwersytet Łódzki
  • Tomasz Tulejski Uniwersytet Łódzki




just war, holy war


Just war versus holy war. The doctrinal issues of the historical confrontation

In the first part of their article, the Authors outline the relations between the meaning of realism, pacifism, and the notion of just war. They claim that the premises of realism and pacifism are included in the notion of just war and analyze the content of the latter as stated by the ancient as well as medieval Christian tradition. It includes the insights of Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas, and others. The notion of just war that all these thinkers supported had a universal dimension and combined the justified reasons for war, the way it should be conducted and its true end which was the lasting and just peace. The Authors indicate that in the Middle Ages this notion was radically challenged by the idea of holy war. The thinkers who promoted it (Guibert of Nogent, Robert the Monk, Bernard of Clairvaux) rejected the universal normative force of the notion of just war. In fact, they applied it exclusively to the relations among Christian nations. Those who were not Christians, that is, Muslims as well as pagans, were to be considered not the subjects of war efforts but rather their objects. As such, they were to be defeated and destroyed, as the Muslims confronted by the crusaders or to be converted to Christianity by force as the Northern and Eastern European pagans invaded by the Teutonic Order.


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Author Biographies

Zbigniew Rau, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Kierownik Katedry Doktryn Polityczno‑ Prawnych na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, stypendysta i wykładowca uniwersytetów niemieckich, brytyjskich, amerykańskich i australijskich. Autor m.in.: The Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; Contractarianism versus Holism. Reinterpreting Locke’s Two Treatises of Government; From Communism to Liberalism. Essays on the Individual and Civil Society; Liberalizm. Zarys myśli politycznej XIX i XX wieku; Forgotten Freedom. In Search of the Historical Foundation of Liberalism, a także tłumacz pierwszej polskiej edycji Dwóch traktatów o rządzie Johna Locke’a. Senator RP VI kadencji. Kierownik Centrum Myśli Polityczno‑Prawnej im. Alexisa de Tocqueville’a.

Tomasz Tulejski, Uniwersytet Łódzki

Profesor nadzwyczajny w Katedrze Doktryn Polityczno‑Prawnych na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz współpracownik Centrum Myśli Polityczno‑ Prawnej im. Alexisa de Tocqueville’a. Autor m.in. Od zasady użyteczności do demokracji. Filozofia polityczna Jeremy Benthama i Konserwatyzm bez Boga. Davida Hume’a wizja społeczeństwa państwa i prawa.


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How to Cite

Rau, Zbigniew, and Tomasz Tulejski. 2013. “Wojna Sprawiedliwa Versus Wojna święta: Zagadnienia Doktrynalne Historycznej Konfrontacji”. Politeja 10 (4(26):7-34. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.10.2013.26.01.


