Wojny dozwolone starożytnego Izraela w świetle Starego Testamentu
Israel, war, the BibleAbstract
The permitted wars of ancient Israel as described in the Old Testament
The Author reconstructs the notion of the so‑called permitted war conducted by ancient Israel and described in the Old Testament. He argues that it differs considerably from the idea of holly war (YHWH war) presented at the time of the Israel conquest of the Promised Land. To prove that, he refers to the principles of permitted war stated in the Book of Deuteronomy. They included the beginning of war, the role of the priests, the duty of military service, the rules of besieging cities, and the treatment of conquered population. Moreover, he compares these principles with the war practices of other ancient nations in the Near East. As the case study, he considers the Maccabean Wars which constituted the only historically verified example of ancient Israeli military efforts. He claims that it was them that were conducted according the rules prescribed for permitted wars. At the same time, they exhibited some religious elements to be found later on in the holly wars of medieval Christianity.
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