Przekład jako praktyka postpamięci i forma oporu wobec marginalizacji

Przypadek Litwinów nad Morzem Łaptiewów Dalii Grinkevičiūtė


  • Kamil Pecela Stowarzyszenie Naukowców Polaków Litwy



translation, postmemory, Lithuanian literature, Dalia Grinkevičiūtė


Translation as a Postmemorial Practice and a Form of Resistance against Marginalization. The Case of „Lithuanians by the Laptev Sea” by Dalia Grinkevičiūtė

In my text I focus on the problem of translation as one of the postmemorial practices and as a form of resistance. My argument is that the translation (as a process and as a text) may be seen not only as an act of resistance against totalitarian regime and occupation but also as an act of multi-faceted “ratification” of the original text. „Lithuanians by the Laptev Sea” by Dalia Grinkevičiūtė was an act of resistance. Translations reinforced this aspect of the book, becoming acts of resistance itself. Translated text impacts not only the receiving culture (in Poland it provides new context for similar Polish documents), but also the culture that the translated text originates from. Translation “ratifies” the subject of translated book, it’s credibility, prestige and influence in original culture. Sometimes it may also lead to editorial and scientific reaproach in original culture.


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Author Biography

Kamil Pecela, Stowarzyszenie Naukowców Polaków Litwy

Poeta, literaturoznawca, autor dysertacji doktorskiej o twórczości Rapolasa Mackonisa na tle literatury międzywojennego Wilna, którą wyróżniono III Nagrodą im. Juliusza Bardacha, nagradzany tłumacz z języka litewskiego.


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How to Cite

Pecela, Kamil. 2021. “Przekład Jako Praktyka postpamięci I Forma Oporu Wobec Marginalizacji: Przypadek Litwinów Nad Morzem Łaptiewów Dalii Grinkevičiūtė”. Politeja 18 (1(70):125-34.