Procesualność postpamięci i jej reprezentacje w literaturze oraz sztuce współczesnej
contemporary art, Polish novel, postmodernism, HolocaustAbstract
Postmemory’s Processuality and Its Representations in Literature and Contemporary Art
The text is an attempt to analyze literary postmemory representation in three scenes confronted with the language of art. The subject matter are novels: Zagłada (Extinction) by Piotr Szewc, Tworki by Marek Bieńczyk and Pensjonat (Pension) by Piotr Paziński and an exhibition: Poland – Israel – Germany. Auschwitz Experience at the Museum of Contemporary Art MOCAK in Krakow. These books had their premieres at intervals of at least ten years, becoming marks of consecutive decades of duration of the concept of postmemory. Zagłada (1987), Tworki (1999) and Pensjonat (2009) could be read as another mainstream views of the postmemory and building a horizon of contemporary Polish literature. In dialogue with these novels an exhibition open on the 15th of May, 2015 in MOCAK has been submitted to analysis. The intention of the text is to point transformations in postmemory in different fields of artistic activity.
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