Exploitation of the Right to Freedom of Expression for Promoting Pro-Russian Propaganda in Hybrid War


  • Mykola Polovyi Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University




right to freedom of expression, pro-Russian propaganda, hybrid war, monitoring of social networks, Facebook, Ukraine


The paper is devoted to the process and results of an analysis of abusing the right to freedom of expression for promoting pro-Russian propaganda in hybrid war against Ukraine at the present stage. It is shown that due to the peculiarities of the political situation in modern Ukraine, pro-Russian propaganda is most common in social networks. The study is conducted on the data from a weekly monitoring of pro-Russian propaganda in the Facebook public groups (‘publics’) of the Odessa region of Ukraine. Effective typology of propaganda messages in social networks is created and described. Its connection with the Lasswell’s test is grounded. General characteristics of pro-Russian propaganda promotion under the guise of implementing the right to freedom of expression in the Facebook publics of the Odessa region in the first quarter of 2021 are described. It has been found that the common tone of contemporary pro-Russian propaganda in Ukraine is becoming increasingly ‘soft’. The main group of contemporary pro- Russian propaganda messages are about the ‘shared past’ of Ukraine and Russia during the Soviet era, shared nostalgia for the ‘brave past world.’ ‘Soft’ promotion of the Russian information agenda and indicating Russian or Ukrainian pro-Russian media as a familiar source of information is the second huge group of propaganda texts. It is noted that both most popular ‘patterns’ of the propaganda can be considered propaganda only in the context of Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine.


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Author Biography

Mykola Polovyi, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in History (1997), D.Sc. in Political Science (2011). Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa, Ukraine. His research interests include quantification and modeling in history and the theory of history, simulations and forecasting of social and political processes on the base of the synergetic approach. Author of two monographs: Prognostication of the Paradigm Shift of Historical Cognition: Searching for a Method (2010, in Russian) and Political Processes: Theory and Practice of Simulation (2011, in Ukrainian). An editor-in-chief of several academic journals: international “Evropský politický a právní diskurz” (European Political and Law Discourse) and Ukrainian “Bulleting of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Political Science Series.” Personal web-site: http://myko.name. Profile at WoS: https://publons.com/ researcher/1632603/mykola-polovyi/


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How to Cite

Polovyi, Mykola. 2021. “Exploitation of the Right to Freedom of Expression for Promoting Pro-Russian Propaganda in Hybrid War”. Politeja 18 (2(71):171-82. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.18.2021.71.09.