The Theology of Carl Schmitt


  • György Geréby Central European University PU, Vienna



Carl Schmitt, Erik Peterson, katechon, Catholicism, political theology, Church, institutions, secularisation


The paper addresses the theology of Carl Schmitt. Schmitt often stresses his ‘natural born Catholicism.’ At the same time he also claims repeatedly not to be a theologian in the professional sense. On the other hand, his main ideas like the concept of the political (Der Begriff des Politischen), the public character of the church (Römischer Katholizismus und politische Form), and finally, his Politische Theologie II in reaction to Erik Peterson’s refutation of Politische Theologie I show that Schmitt’s ideas imply deep and problematic theological positions. The role of the katechon, or the Grand Inquisitor and his criticism of Peterson’s patristic arguments, especially the rejection of the anti-Arian reasoning of Gregory Nazianzen show a markedly unorthodox theological stance reminiscent of Charles Maurras’ political Catholicism. Schmitt’s transcends patristic orthodoxy in order to apply his historically conditioned 19th-century theology to sacralizing his idea of the political.


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Author Biography

György Geréby, Central European University PU, Vienna

Historian of philosophy. Associate professor at the Central European University in Vienna. Titulary professor at ELTE, Budapest. Studied philosophy and classics in Budapest (ELTE). Visiting graduate student at St Edmund Hall (Oxford) and at the University of Fribourg. CSc (PhD) at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Taught at the University of Pecs (Hungary), ELTE (Budapest) and since 2007 at CEU. Guest lecturer at the University of Liverpool (two semesters). Fulbright teaching fellow at Rutgers University, 2003. Keeley Research Fellow at Wadham College (Oxford), 2013-2014. Isaiah Berlin Visiting Professor at Corpus Christi College (Oxford), 2018. Primary interests: the history of Late Antique and medieval philosophy and theology; in the last decade: political theology. Book: God and empire (in Hungarian). He currently works on the book about Protevangelium of James as narrative theology.


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How to Cite

Geréby, György. 2021. “The Theology of Carl Schmitt”. Politeja 18 (3(72):21-49.