Deconsolidation of Democracy in 21st Century Latin America


  • Karol Derwich Jagiellonian University, Kraków



democracy, consolidation, deconsolidation, crisis, Latin America and the Caribbean


The first decades of 21st century are a difficult time for Latin America and the Caribbean. This is also evident in the area of democracy and its consolidation. Particularly recent years have brought significant problems and challenges in functioning of democratic regimes. As a consequence, it is justified to talk about the process called deconsolidation of democracy in this region. In the article, the present condition of democratic regimes in Latin America and the Caribbean is presented. It is followed by an analysis of basic challenges and finally explaining potential risks for the process of consolidation of democratic regimes in the region.


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Author Biography

Karol Derwich, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

PhD in political science, head of the Department of Latin America (2019‑2022) and the Mexican Center (2018‑2022) at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora of the Jagiellonian University. His main fields of interest included inter‑American relations and Latin American politics. Prof. Derwich has authored such books as The Instruments of the United States’ Foreign Policy Towards Latin American Countries, 1945‑2000 (2010) and In the Country of Quetzalcoatl: A History of Mexico from the Conquest to Present Times (2014); co‑editor of Mexico in the 21st Century: Politics, Economy, Society (2009) and Los derechos humanos en America Latina. Teoria y practica (Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice, 2014). He has also written numerous articles related to contemporary political processes in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Derwich, Karol. 2022. “Deconsolidation of Democracy in 21st Century Latin America”. Politeja 19 (6(81):15-42.