Denunciando al estado. Los artistas como Campaneros en América Latina de los 60.




bell‑ringer, dictatorships, the 1960s, Latin America, Latin American Boom, Nueva Canción, New Latin American Cinema



The term bell‑ringer is relatively new, however, it is derived from the concept of whistleblower, which emerged in the 1960s. In that decade, many Latin American countries experienced coups and military dictatorships, which oppressed the political opposition and censored the media. In the absence of the institutions of control and independent journalism, artists began to denounce the abuses of power and the vices of societies in their works, which led to the creation of new artistic movements in Latin America. This article seeks to test a hypothesis that as a result, the artists became bell‑ringers, perfectly fitting the definition framework of the theory presented by Marcia P. Miceli, Suelette Dreyfus, and Janet P. Near.


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Author Biography

Alicja Fijałkowska-Myszyńska, Universidad de Varsovia

Doctora en ciencias políticaspor la Universidad de Varsovia, profesora adjunta en el Instituto de Américas y Europa de la Universidad de Varsovia, becaria de la Fundación Kościuszko y del Ministro de Ciencia y Educación Superior.


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How to Cite

Fijałkowska-Myszyńska, Alicja. 2022. “ Los Artistas Como Campaneros En América Latina De Los 60”. Politeja 19 (6(81):179-95.