Music in 19th-Century Venezuela


  • Mariantonia Palacios Central University of Venezuela


Słowa kluczowe:

Music, 19th century, hemerography


Beginning as a Spanish colony to become an independent republic – the 19th century was a pivotal point for Venezuela. Socially, politically, and economically speaking, the changes were numerous, and so were the cultural and artistic manifestations that flourished in those circumstances. One of them will be tackled in this study: music. This paper is a review of one of the richest information sources: the publications of the times. Venezuelan 19th century hemerography contains hundreds of music news on composers and their environment, works, performers, musical institutions, events, concerts, critical reviews, and others of the sort. They are the witness of the events of an epoch. By analyzing them, a partial reconstruction of the Venezuelan music history can be made possible.


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Biogram autora

Mariantonia Palacios - Central University of Venezuela

Performer Piano Professor, Escuela de Música Juan Manuel Olivares (1982); Bachelor of Arts, Universidad Central de Venezuela (1984); Maestro Compositor, Juan José Landaeta Conservatory (1987); Magíster Scientiarum in Latin American Musicology, UCV (1998); Magister Artium, University of Costa Rica (2003). Titular Professor at Universidad Central de Venezuela; Vissiting Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar, Universidad Metropolitana (Caracas), and University of Costa Rica. Curator of the collection Music in Colonial America, and co‑curator of the colletion Clásicos de la Literatura Pianística Venezolana, and Fuentes para el estudio de la música en Venezuela. Former Director of the School of Arts (UCV), the Choir of the Teresa Carreño Theater (Caracas), and the National Opera Company of Costa Rica. Coordinator of the Latin American Musicology Master, the Digital Arts Center, and the Liberal Arts Certified (UCV). National Research Award Rházes Hernández López in Musicology, Caracas, 1998; Honourable Mention in Premio de Musicología Casa de las Américas, Havana, 1999; Honorable Mention Award Samuel Claro Valdés, Chile, 2000; Award José María Vargas for academic merits, Caracas, 2004; Honorable Mention Award CENAL, Caracas, 2005; Municipal Music Award in Musical Research, Caracas, 2009; Honorable Mention Award CENAL, Caracas, 2010.


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Jak cytować

Palacios, Mariantonia. 2013. „Music in 19th-Century Venezuela”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):243-53.