Rywalizacja chińsko-amerykańska w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku: Analiza porównawcza polityki Baracka Obamy i Donalda Trumpa





China, United States, power transition, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden


Sino-American Rivalry in the Second Decade of the 21st Century: A Comparative Analysis of Barack Obama and Donald Trump Policies

The Sino-American trade war has become a symbol of rivalry for leadership in the international system. It also attracts growing attention to the problem of possible change to the regional and global hegemony. The debate with its possible ramifications is clear to academics, the media and political elites. However, it has focused on a limited scope of factors and mostly at the leadership level of, most notably, the United States of America. Considering its complexity, the issue of US policy towards China should be analyzed at various levels. These include the presidents, their collaborators, domestic politics and US strategy, and, finally, the international system as it experiences the relative change of power distribution. The main goal of this article is to analyze the recent US administrations’ strategy towards the People’s Republic of China. This is in the context of changes to the international system, focusing on the relative change of power distribution. The hypothesis driving this article states that the US strategy towards China is a response to the changing relative distribution of power in the regional and global system. It follows that American administrations differ rather in methods than in goals of foreign policy. This text is prepared with reference to the Power Transition Theory of A. Organski and J. Kugler, and the research is based on the US strategic documents’ analysis and statistical analysis of the power distribution in the system.


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Author Biography

Marcin Grabowski, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Adiunkt w Katedrze Historii Dyplomacji i Polityki Międzynarodowej Instytutu Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, kierownik Centrum Studiów Międzynarodowych i Rozwoju UJ (Centre for International Studies and Development) oraz członek Executive Committee Central and Eastern International Studies Association (CEEISA). Jego badania koncentrują się na problematyce integracji gospodarczej Azji i Pacyfiku, polityce zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych oraz Chin, międzynarodowych stosunkach gospodarczych i teorii stosunków międzynarodowych. Studiował w prestiżowych uczelniach amerykańskich, Uniwersytecie Columbia w Nowym Jorku, George Washington University w Waszyngtonie, czy Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w San Diego, gdzie ukończył Global Leadership Institute. Prowadził też badania w kluczowych ośrodkach zajmujących się problematyką azjatycką: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies w Singapurze, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy w Seulu, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Uniwersytetu Waseda w Tokio, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research w Canberze, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies w Kopenhadze, Reischauer Center for East Asia Studies, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University w Waszyngtonie czy Berkeley APEC Study Center (University of California w Berkeley).


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2021-12-15 — Updated on 2022-02-25

How to Cite

Grabowski, Marcin. 2022. “Rywalizacja chińsko-amerykańska W Drugiej Dekadzie XXI Wieku: Analiza porównawcza Polityki Baracka Obamy I Donalda Trumpa”. Politeja 18 (5(74):315-34. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.18.2021.74.19.

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