Zygmunt Kramsztyk, MD and his idea of innovative hospitals
https://doi.org/10.12797/AHiFM.85.2022.85.06Słowa kluczowe:
Jewish historical background, new hospital planning, hospital management, use of bacteriology in medicine, sanitary educationAbstrakt
Problem of education of Jewish doctors in Poland under Russian occupation of the 19th c.
Presentation of doctor Zygmunt Kramsztyk (1849- 1920) a Jewish ophthalmologist – who created an innovative system of hospitals based on the most modern trends in Europe and tried to introduce it in Warsaw between 1894-1902.
The article is based on information found in medical journals published in the 19th and 20th c, articles written by Z. Kramsztyk, the book of archives, inventory of the Jewish hospital of Warsaw and the history of Jews and their education in Poland.
Zygmunt Kramsztyk tried to introduce advances in the European system of hospital building , their management and overall in the medical sciences of those days, especially in bacteriology, however, was unable to implement his ideas due to political restrictions of the Russian occupants. He tried to provide access to health care for all social classes. Apart from treating patients he propagated sanitary education of the public. In his own journal “Criticism in Medicine” [“Krytyka Lekarska”] he presented articles on legal and ethical aspects of medicine, methodology of writing scientific papers, the use of new medical equipment, doctor-patient relationship, philosophy of medicine and precision in medical terminology.
His ideas were not fully implemented because of the political situation, however were appreciated later when liberated Poland tried to introduce a new health care system in 1928.
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