Survival Strategies of Nigerian Victims of Trafficking in Paris


  • Valeria Zamorano Paris Diderot University



prostitution, trafficking persons victims, migration, survival strategies


Trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation of Nigerian women in France is a phenomenon addressed by the abolitionist movement and national security policies. Both currents have created the category of ideal victim, generating that many Nigerian women have been expelled from the country as illegal migrants or prostitutes guilty of pimping. In this way, this paper presents the difficulties that Nigerian women face and the strategies they develop to remain in France. At the same time, I present my results of an investigation into the racialization interactions and processes that occur within a social assistance association for Nigerian women in situations of sexual exploitation. In conclusion, Nigerian women are not defined based on their trajectories or the identities they build, but instead categories defined by the public policies of victims, pimps and illegal migrants are imposed.


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Author Biography

Valeria Zamorano, Paris Diderot University

Anthropologist at the University of Chile and a MA student at Université Paris Diderot. Her master’s thesis tackles the difficulties and strategies of social integration of Nigerian women victims of human trafficking in Paris.


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How to Cite

Zamorano, Valeria. 2019. “Survival Strategies of Nigerian Victims of Trafficking in Paris”. Politeja 16 (6(63):197-211.