Missile Defense and Polish Security


  • Robert Wężowicz Jagiellonian University




Poland, missile defense, air defense, modernization


The purpose of the article is to present the multifaceted issue that is missile defense in the context of Polish safety. The fact that Poland is a member of NATO, but also its geographical location and the nature of potential security risks, mean that its position in terms of missile defense is not equivalent to that of other countries. In the case of Poland, we are dealing with plans to create a broadly understood air defense system; a compromise solution, the result of irreconcilable requirements, in which missile defense will be just one of many tasks rather than a priority.


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Author Biography

Robert Wężowicz, Jagiellonian University

A PhD student at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, holds an MA in International Relations. He is currently preparing his doctoral thesis on the influence of classical naval theories on contemporary maritime security strategies. His interests, besides the issue of missile defense, include geopolitics and geostrategy, energy security, territorial defense and irregular formations in contemporary conflicts.


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How to Cite

Wężowicz, Robert. 2017. “Missile Defense and Polish Security”. Politeja 14 (5 (50):295-322. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.14.2017.50.13.