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Konkwista Meksyku jako bolesny wstrząs w twórczości Carmen Boullosy
Conquest of Mexico, Montezuma II, IndiansAbstract
Irretrievably Lost Paradise? The Conquest of Mexico as a Painful Shock in the Works of Carmen Boullosa
The conquest of Mexico, which has an impact on the lives of its inhabitants today, is one of the main themes in the early works of writer Carmen Boullosa. In the novel Llanto. Novelasimposibles the author returns to the Aztec Empire to make a reinterpretation of the events of 1519–1521, while the second novel Duerme takes the reader to the days of the colonial era. Moctezuma II, who wakes up from his sleep in the second half of the twentieth century, becomes a postmodern figure. Claire, who reaches the New World on a pirate ship, becomes a witness to the exploitation of the indigenous population by the Spanish masters. Both characters are aware of the fact that the collapse of the empire means an irretrievable loss of the old world and its primary cultures.
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