The Crisis of Functionalism and the Reform of European Economic Governance


  • Luca Lionello Catholic University of Milan



Sovereign Debt Crisis, Functionalism, Economic and Monetary Union


This paper studies the impact of the sovereign debt crisis on the development of the process of European integration and the constitutional framework of the EU. The first section focuses on the causes of the sovereign debt crisis, analysing the structural deficits and weaknesses of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). The second section looks at the reforms, which have been progressively adopted by the Eurozone to overcome the crisis and prevent the collapse of the single currency. The third section reflects on the longstanding contradictions of the integration process, in terms of its legitimacy and effectiveness, which the crisis has definitely highlighted demanding an effective solution. In this regard, the paper argues that the sovereign debt crisis represents a turning point in the history of European unification, marking the limits of the functionalist approach of integration and demanding a re‑launch of the constitutional project in order to provide the monetary union with a veritable economic government.


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Author Biography

Luca Lionello, Catholic University of Milan

Is a Phd.D candidate at the Catholic University of Milan. He gained a master’s degree in law in November 2010 with a dissertation on the juridical status of Kosovo at the Catholic University of Milan. He started a PhD in European Union Law in the same university in October 2011. He is currently developing a doctoral research on the reform of the European economic governance in the light of the sovereign debt crisis. He collaborates with the chairs of International Law and European Law, both in the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Catholic University of Milan. He has been visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law of Heidelberg and at King’s College of London.


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How to Cite

Lionello, Luca. 2015. “The Crisis of Functionalism and the Reform of European Economic Governance”. Politeja 12 (5 (37):281-97.