(Non)Existence of Bulgarian Party‑Based Euroscepticism – Why Should We Care?


  • Natasza Styczyńska Jagiellonian University




Euroscepticism, Bulgaria, political parties, European integration


Euroscepticism is often linked to the disappointment with the outcomes of transition as well as overgrown expectations that accompanied the accession to the European Union. The main aim of the paper is to investigate if and how party‑based Euroscepticism has been active in Bulgaria, a post-communist country in CEE and a member of the European Union since 2007. The paper will present the rhetoric and characteristics of main Eurosceptic political parties in Bulgaria. Bulgarian public opinion used to be perceived as one of the most pro‑European among the member states, but current events show that the European issue is not so salient for the Bulgarian society and political elite. The difficult social and political situation marginalises discussions about the functioning of the EU and the future of Europe. Not only the absence of Euroscepticism, but also the lack of any European issues in party manifestos is puzzling. This paper aims to answer the question if Bulgarian politicians are so pro‑European or rather if Europe doesn’t really matter to the elites.


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Author Biography

Natasza Styczyńska, Jagiellonian University

Obtained MA degrees in Political Sciences and in European Studies. Since 2006 she works at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian Univeristy. She is a PhD candidate and a researcher in the project entitled ‘Democratic control and legitimisation in European Foreign Policy. The case study of EU Enlargement Policy and European Neighbourhood Policy’ that is funded by the National Research Centre, Poland. Her academic interests include transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, party politics, nationalism, populism and euroscepticism in the CEE region and the Balkans, as well as identity issues on the borderlands and Austro-Hungarian heritage in Central and Southern Europe.


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How to Cite

Styczyńska, Natasza. 2015. “(Non)Existence of Bulgarian Party‑Based Euroscepticism – Why Should We Care?”. Politeja 12 (1 (33):201-14. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.12.2015.33.10.