Jak badać politykę?


  • Marek Pająk Uniwersytet Wrocławski




Political Science, Methodological Debate, Flyvbjerg Debate


How to study politics? Contemporary methodological discourse in political science on the example of the Flyvbjerg Debate

The article is the analysis of contemporary methodological discourse in political science on the example of the Flyvbjerg Debate. The article focuses on Bent Flyvbjerg’s and David D. Laitin’s positions linking them with broader discussions in political science. Especially those concerning proper model of scientific researches. The author traces evolution of political science from the perspective of controversy between protagonists of analytical‑empirical model and their critics.


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Author Biography

Marek Pająk, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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How to Cite

Pająk, Marek. 2014. “Jak Badać politykę?”. Politeja 11 (6 (32):23-44. https://doi.org/10.12797/Politeja.11.2014.32.03.


