Najnowsze wyzwania w metodologii i badaniach w zakresie nauk społecznych
social science, methodology, empirical research, he grounded theory approach, case study research, sondague/ public opinion polls, content analysis, context research, discourse analysis, comparative analysis and comparative methodsAbstract
The newest challenges in methodology and research in social sciences
In the article the author analysed the newest challenges in the methodology, which are recognized and undertaken by researchers in social sciences, especially in the field of political science as a one of the subdisciplines. The article presents the results of the contribution of Research Committee 33 operating in the framework of the International Political Science Association to the methodological development of political science. In the framework of the newest methodological trends, which political scientist are transferring from other disciplines and adopting to the field it is necessary to point out: the grounded theory approach (GTA), case study research (CSR), surveys/public opinion polls, content analys is, context research, discourse analysis, comparative analysis and comparative methods.
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