Venezuelan Democracy in the 20th Century

The Struggle Between the Military and the Non–Military


  • José Luis Da Silva P. Andrés Bello Catholic University



Democracy, dictatorship, civil, military, political parties


Twentieth‑century Venezuela has characteristics that make it different in terms of the ways of conducting politics in the traditional way. Political parties of the twentieth century inaugurated a new political period. One reason for this may be found in the long dictatorship of General Gómez which lasted for more than three decades and which obliterated all vestiges of nineteenth century politics to the point that students will be called to establish innovative proposals. The mode of policy‑making shows a difference in style between the military and non‑military along with irreconcilable difference in the perception of democracy which they showed. One mentoring system will come increasingly into a conflict with another, in which there is an attempt to make the citizens bear republican responsibilities in order to feed a state that at times runs the risk of collapse due to the unmet requirements of the people, together with other requirements of the time.


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Author Biography

José Luis Da Silva P., Andrés Bello Catholic University

Profesor Titular. Doctor of History in 2005. MA in Philosophy in 1992. Director of Center of Research and Humanistic Education. Director of post‑graduate studies in the area of the humanities and education. Professor of pre‑ graduate and post‑graduate studies in the Schools of Philosophy and Social Communication of the UCAB. Author of more than 30 articles published in national and international reviews. A researcher of Pei classification B.


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How to Cite

Da Silva P., José Luis. 2013. “Venezuelan Democracy in the 20th Century: The Struggle Between the Military and the Non–Military”. Politeja 10 (2 (24):49-68.